
River tour in Kyoto

昨日は京都の川に遊びに行ってきました。 ご一緒したのはnobさん、1号さん、Boominさん、KENさん。心配していた川の増水もなく、天気も良く、冷たい川の水にいるのが心地よい一日で、絶好の川日和となりました♪
さて、、訪れたのはいつもの川ですが、、ポイントに着いてビックリ! 前回来た時(5月)にはなかった巨大な倒木が大きな岩に引っかかっていたり、小型魚の観察がしやすかった"わんど"も砂によって塞き止められ、孤立した水場になってました (^^; これって台風の影響なんでしょうかね?? そんなわけで、、普段と少し勝手の違う環境に戸惑いながら魚を探しました~

Yesterday, I went to the river in Kyoto to watch freshwater fish with nob-san, 1gou-san, Boomin-san, Ken-san. It was a great day with good river condition, fine weather and cool water temperature which was comfortable. And I enjoyed swimming and watching/taking photo of fishes.
The river was the one where I frequently visit, but I was surprised to see the change of the point. I found big tree was caught by the rock which I did not see in last visit (May) and small still water area next to the river was dammed with a lot of sand. I guess this was due to typhoon which hit Japan last month. For this reason, I had to searched for fishes under the water where looks somewhat new to me.

This is Itomoroko (Squalidus gracilis gracilis). It seemed to me number of young fish was smaller than that of May.

Japanese dace. Though mating season is already done, I found some of them had red color on the body.

Kajika flog. I found it when I was searching for Japanese giant salamander. They croak very beautiful :D

今回、特に目に付いたのがアカザでした。岩をめくる度に高確率で飛び出してきてました♪ ただ、、昼間だと暗がりに逃げようとするので写真は撮りにくいんですよね。
Yesterday, I often saw Reddish bullhead, when I turned over the rocks. Since they are nocturnal and run away quickly to seek for darkness, it is little bit difficult to take photo in the day time.

岩をめくっていたら一尾だけ稚魚を発見~♪ 成魚より更に光を嫌うらしく、、一枚写真を撮ったら大きな岩の隙間に逃げ込んでいきました (-_-;
I happened to find young of it. Young one hated the light more than adult, it escaped to the crack of big rocks...

その他、、夏場だけあってアジメドジョウの数も多かったです♪ 底が砂利の場所にいる事が多いですが、砂地でも結構な数が見られました~ このドジョウも清流ならではですね!
Also I saw many delicate loachs. Usually I see them where the bottom is covered with gravel. Yesterday, I saw many of them were sitting on the sand.

アマゴの姿もチラホラ。前回見た時よりも大きな個体が多かったです。やはりと言うか、、成魚は警戒心が非常に強かったので全然近寄れませんでしたが (^^;  因みに、、前回撮った幼魚の写真はこんな感じです。
Red spotted masu trout. Though number of the fish I saw yesterday was smaller than I saw in May, average size of fish was bigger than before. As usual, adult fish was so cautious that I could not come closer to them. By the way, the fish I took the photo last time can be seen from this link.

I saw many Japanese striped loach too. But I had impression that size of the most of them were normal or small.

そんな訳で定番系は大体見れたのですが、、皆さんが期待されていたオオサンショウウオは発見できませんでした (・ε・`*) う~ん、、前回の台風で下流に流されちゃったんでしょうか???
In the end, I could see most of species which can be seen usually. But,, I could not find out Japanese giant salamander which most of people were eager to see...  I wonder that the one I saw in May had been flowed to downstream..

川から上がる直前、「懲りずにまた来~や~」とでも言っているようなアカザを見かけました。う~ん、、また行かなきゃ! そうそう、、D90で動画も撮ろうとしたのですが、、ボタンの接触不良(?)のせいで撮れませんでした。こっちも何とかしなきゃ。。
Just before I exited from the river, I saw a Reddish bullhead which seemed to tell me 'Come back again'..  Uuuum, I need to come back ;-)
By the way, I tried to take movie with D90, but finally failed to do it. I need to investigate the cause..


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