
CostaRica 2012: Peninsula Osa #1

From now on, I am going to show photos I took in CostaRica from Apr to May 2012.
First topic is animals in Corcovado National Park. As it is known as 'last' frontier in Costa Rica, many part of forests were untouched, and I saw many kinds of animals.

因みに、、泊まったホテルが国立公園に隣接していることもあって、様々な動物たちをホテルの敷地内で見ることが出来ました。私は見ていませんが、、敷地内でバクを見た人もいました。こんなホテルがあるって信じられます?? (^^;
Since the hotel I stayed stands next to the national park, many kinds of animals could be seen in the garden of the hotel. One of the guest saw Tapir in the garden. Can you imagine such a big wild animal can be seen even in the hotel?

White-throated Capuchin. I watched this monkey in another area last year, but I saw a big group next to my cottage.

The reason seemed simply to eat the fruit of the tree next to my cottage.

Also babies.

Since it was just after birth season of monkeys, I watched babies of Squirrel Monkey, Mantled Howler Monkey and Spider Monkey

What a cute baby :-)

Three-toed Sloth in the national park. It may be hard to know where is head and body..
Round shaped object in the center of the photo is a head. Actually he was hanging down from a branch.

Another mammal I watched was Agouti.
Agouti is big rodent and they utilized their forehand to eat food like a squirrel.

Also behavior of the animal looked similar to squirrel. They like to bury to store food (seed) in the territory, when food is abundant. Afterward, they come back to eat them. But they frequently cannot find them, they contribute seeds to disperse.

White-nosed Coati.
They were walking in the open space in the ranger station to eat the fruit of Cashew.

Just after it bit the fruit. Can you see juice gush out?

By the way, fruit of cashew can be eaten. Since cashew belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae and I am allergic to some kinds of trees of this family, I did not eat the fruit. But, still very curious how it tastes.

こちらはPacific Anoleの雄。最初見かけた時は、この様に地味だったのですが・・・
I watched further more mammals, but I will show them afterward.
Here is male of Pacific Anole. When I first saw it, it looked like below.

突然喉元の被膜を広げて求愛(?)を始めました! 全然予想してなかったので、見ていたガイドと僕もかなり興奮しました♪ 面白いですね~
Suddenly, it started spreading its capsule of the throat and courting!! I and the guide was so surprised with its dramatic change.

今日の最後は、Common Rocket Frog。非常に小さかったものの、綺麗なカエルでした。ちょっと自信がありませんが、、確かヤドクガエルの一種だったと思います。
Last photo of today is Common Rocket Frog. It was so tiny, but beautiful frog. I am not fully sure, this frog is a kind of dart frog.


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